
May 1, 2024
Future Woman podcast
Hear Virginia on Future Woman with Helen McCabe
April 1, 2023
Shaping the Century of Women: Feminine Power across the Globe
What is feminine power? It’s not a trick question. But think about it too long, and soon you’re caught in...
February 24, 2023
The Woman President: Book Review
The Woman President: Leadership, Law and Legacy for Women Based on Experiences from South and Southeast Asia Ramona Vijayarasa Oxford...
February 15, 2023
‘Feared and Revered’: women throughout the ages Radio Broadcast
The ‘Feared and Revered’ exhibition, currently on display at the National Museum of Australia, explores goddesses, demons, witches, and female religious figures –...
July 15, 2021
What to do when Parliament’s gaslights start to dim?
A tweet doing the rounds last weekend noted its almost fifty years since a touring Frank Sinatra touched off an...
August 23, 2019
The Gender Agenda: Boom, Bust and Bullyboys
A media bonanza for the shelias’ The Turnbull to Morrison years proved to be a bonanza for women in politics,...