Our Radicals and Revolutionaries: Women’s Liberation

The chaps from ASIO were hiding across the road from the Canning Street house in Ainslie. None of the eight women arriving suspected for a moment they were under surveillance, nor did the three hipster blokes leaving: pretty odd given the cameras were probably clicking from a car parked opposite. But then, this was suburban […]

Joining the ‘first lady’ club: oh Jodie, what have you done?

So Jodie Haydon said ‘yes’, right at a time when women around the globe are increasingly saying ‘no’ to marriage. And for good reason. The data is in. We know from reputable research that women who don’t marry and don’t have children are “the happiest group in the population”. But if we are really hand […]

Radicals, Rebels and Reformers: a clarion call from the Sisterhood

Oh, they were mad! Furious. Those wild ‘women’s libbers’. Noisy as hell and heading for the Canberra Times, driven by an unholy trinity – Sexism, Sisterhood and Solidarity. A triple ‘S’ motivation that laid out a feminist blueprint for young women today. But first … It was late 1975, International Women’s Year, and over 700 […]

Barbie lands an unresolved feminist rant, but the joke is on us!

There is a fabulous moment in the history of the Canberra Women’s Movement when over a hundred furious feminists barged into the Canberra Times office to stage an angry protest against sexist commentary in the paper’s Editorial. The year was 1975 and the mood explosive. Legend has it that the Editor was hauled out before […]