Shaping the Century of Women: Feminine Power across the Globe

What is feminine power? It’s not a trick question. But think about it too long, and soon you’re caught in a maze of linguistic riddles. Even that oracle of feminist wisdom herself, Professor Mary Beard, struggled to articulate a media friendly, sound-bite answer. Instead she cut to the chase: it is a little difficult to […]
Go hug yourself? IWD cause lost in mindless mush

Brace yourself for a barrage of silly slogans and cutesy cupcakes. International Women’s Day is on the way and as much as it pains me to say this, big boy marketeers have won the day. The crass commercialisation and giddy celebration of IWD is distorting the fundamental message almost beyond recognition. It’s been a gradual […]
The Woman President: Book Review

The Woman President: Leadership, Law and Legacy for Women Based on Experiences from South and Southeast Asia Ramona Vijayarasa Oxford University Press
Trolls are vile, but DFAT should never have posted this video

Let’s get this out of the way first. The one-minute video of Australia’s new Ambassador for Gender Equality, Stephanie Copus Campbell, should never have been posted on social media. Or anywhere for that matter. Viewed more than 6 million times, it has provoked some of Twitter’s most savage trolls and nasty misogynists, including Donald Trump […]
‘Feared and Revered’: women throughout the ages Radio Broadcast

The ‘Feared and Revered’ exhibition, currently on display at the National Museum of Australia, explores goddesses, demons, witches, and female religious figures – and how they have shaped our understanding of the world. The exhibition celebrates a diverse range of female spiritual beings across cultural traditions – like the Hindu goddess, Kali – and it examines feminine power and identity […]