What to do when Parliament’s gaslights start to dim?
A tweet doing the rounds last weekend noted its almost fifty years since a touring Frank Sinatra touched off an international storm when he called Australian women journalists, “buck-and-a-half-hookers”. Insulting, or mildly endearing? It seemed politicians back then were unsure. No Australian politician now would be fool enough to utter such sexisms. These days there […]
March 4 Justice taps into the power of recent acts of courage as well as a deep and ancient anger
There is extraordinary power in the emotions surfacing in women around Australia right now. The power of this moment is unprecedented. But, as a nation, we must get this right. We must hear the myriad and complex reasons as to why women are so deeply aggrieved and angry. If those in power, who currently hold […]
Why Brittany Higgins’ story has stoked women’s rage
Brittany Higgins at the beginning of what she believed would be her ‘dream job’, working as a government staffer at Parliament House, Canberra.