February 10, 2016
ABC News Online

Sex and the City star, UNHCR supporter Kristin Davis says Australia ‘major player’ in refugee crisis

ABC Presenter, Virginia Haussegger and Kristin Davis, Actress and UNHCR Ambassador.

Actress Kristin Davis has weighed in on Australia’s response to the global asylum seeker crisis, praising the “extraordinary” humanitarian work being done by NGOs and charities to support those in need.

Best known for playing the incurable romantic Charlotte in popular television sitcom Sex and the City, Davis has made her first trip to Canberra as part of her role as UNHCR supporter.

Her trip has involved a whirlwind round of meetings in Canberra with government officials, including Federal Minister for Women Michaelia Cash.

And her visit could not be more timely. Right when Australia’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers has come under sharp international criticism, with the release last week of

Human Rights Watch report suggesting Australia has damaged its record on refugees, Davis brings a very different perspective.

Virginia Haussegger presents ABC-TV News in Canberra.

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