
The challenge of facilitating high level discussion and maintaining energy flow…

Over the past two decades Virginia has developed an enviable reputation as the Facilitator ‘of choice’ for complex panel discussions, seminars and broadcasts.

With a TV veteran’s charm, Virginia has an exceptional ability to engage an audience on a journey of discourse and discovery. She brings warmth, wit and a sharp intellect to the most challenging discussions.

“Just to summarise in a few words: Virginia was amazing! She had so many brilliant ideas how we actually could achieve our objectives better in doing things differently, was super engaged and has made herself familiar with the complex topic we were discussing very quickly and really achieved to motivate, challenge and lead the 1.5 days full of discussion, workshops etc. We couldn’t have achieved such a great outcome of the forum without Virginia.”

Clients include: The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet; COAGSummit16 (Council of Australian Governments); Commonwealth Departments of Treasury, Attorney-General, Environment, Finance, Defence; Human Services; CHOGM Perth (Commonwealth Heads of Government); G20 Brisbane (International Women’s Dialogue); EY & Grattan Institute (Global Symposium); ANZSOG (Australia New Zealand School of Government), IPAA (Institute of Public Administration Australia); APSC (Australian Public Sector Commission); ACCI (Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry); ACFID (Australian Council for International Development); ANU College of Asia and the Pacific; University of Canberra Future Forum; ALGA (Australian Local Government Association); QUT Graduate School of Business; Boardlinks; UN Women; FRSA (Family Relationships Services Australia); ACT Government … just to name a few.